Today, when I see life, I can find two ways of looking into it. First one is a life which is free of worries, less of hard work, full of short term joys and filled with uncontrolled happenings. But the other one, which is the tougher of its kind in existent, is filled with dedication, full of hard work, ample of self control, a lot of sacrifices and demands a huge amount of planning and the most important factor called self management. On contrary, the second one which looks like a more dracunian side of life is actually the kind of life which brings more warmth of joy, long term success and most importantly, the feeling of immense satisfaction above which nothing counts.
I seriously have realized it that to be successful in one’s life it demands no less than a good amount of self criticism, a large self control, a strong self belief backed with strong will power for hard work and a well planned self managed life. The rule is simple and its universal, which says – “There is no short cut to success”. I remember while I was in my school, just outside the main building there was a big green lawn and a board was kept there with the words,“There is no short cut to success”, encrypted over it. At that time I use to understand it in an offensive way and use to think if that’s a trick by the gardener to not let everybody through the beautiful lawn. But with the growing age and maturity, and with a better vision and understanding, I have understood the meaning of that boarding completely.
Today when I see success, I only try to find the path what it took me or somebody who became successful to attain it and unanimously I found out that for none it was a cake walk and for all it was a sheer hard work, dedication, passion and their self implemented self managed life which took them not just a step but good 100’s of miles ahead of the competition. I think each individual is alike and unique in all aspects of life. Be it the nature or intelligence or anything, every human is so different that one cannot just copy the way other person in their lives have traced the golden path to success. Also, I believe only it’s the individual itself who can only chalk out its plan and go ahead with it. Yes, of course there is no harm in deriving the ideas of the most successful people in this world or of your role models but what is utmost important is how you can chalk out your best plan which suits you the best? Its only us who knows ourselves the best and only we can handle ourselves the most appropriate way so its require to plan accordingly and manage yourself best to the task you are up to.
I have a strong belief that all the B-schools in the world besides making all the B-school grads industry polished, most strongly work on inculcating the best Self Managing techniques within the individual so that an individual can attain an ability to everything in their life. Of course, the one who has done everything in life will be on the more happier side of life because the individual will have a feeling that he has not missed out on anythingJ. And logically, if an individual is not a good Self Manager then how can we expect the individual to grow as successful manager or a great leader.
One has to chalk out his or her plan of life better sooner than later if at all they want to be successful. It’s the Self Management which can only lead them to life which they dreamt of and an individual has to believe that “The Juice is worth a squeeze”.
Easier said than done :(
any pratical tips on how to do self-management , i am obviously a sucker at it :D , you know.
also the old font size was okay.Good you are writing often .
Yeah thanx for your healthy comments i appreciate it, but tips on how to do self-management..hmmm Most importantly, it has to be driven from inside by an individual without that self-realisation its really hard to struck up with any thing...I hope you love yourself and to improve yourself it wont be very difficult task to ignite the motivation on most wanted fully self-managed satisfactory life :-)..Cheers.
First of all .. Thanks for this wonderful blog and info ..
Good One i would say and truth also .......
It's not easy to achieve those things which you want but if you are able to manage yourself and give 100% then you will get the success.
Have a good luck ..
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