I'm extremely delighted that iBlog4aCause is growing, and the internet world is getting an eye on it.
I'm delighted that you have shown your great support towards my so close to heart project, www. iBlog4aCause.com, and a thank you is not just enough.
iBlog4aCause.com has made a good start and already I see many of you have became "followers" at www.iBlog4aCause.com. I'm glad that you have understood the idea of iBlog4aCause well and that you are doing your bit to make some significant difference to the society by joining it.
In order to take our mission to next level I seek your help, I'm posting the latest video of iBlog4aCause.com and I'm sure you will like this very short video.
I request you to share this video on your blogs, websites, facebook, twitter and any other social media tools that you are using. I certainly want more people to join iBlog4aCause because I believe together we all can make a difference.
A Big Thank You For Being A Part Of I BLOG FOR A CAUSE.
Do Spread the word.