The Very Special People


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Change, it’s a word full of excitement, refinement, metamorphosis and freshness. There is always that adrenaline rush associated to it, there are always those butterflies in the stomach when we talk about it, and this is the thing that certainly gives us goose bumps. Why is that we always need a change? Why is that we always love the change? These are the few tricky questions that we face everyday in our lives, but every time we soon explore that the answers are quite simple, after all that is the beautiful phenomena of nature.

How many times in our lives we explore those famous words that “Change is the only constant thing in life”? I reckon many a times!! Yes, we all go through several changes in and around us in a cyclic fashion, there will be few things that stay and there will be always few things that will go away or may be we will go away from those things i.e. how we actually witness a constant change in process in and around us.

Human nature is such that we are in the need of a change as soon as we are not enjoying that situation. I consider human beings kind of a born super excited species and when things go out of our likings i.e. exactly when there is a chain reaction for change triggered inside us. Soon the things those were our daily enjoyment start losing their sheen, the dullness creeps into the scene and sometimes we are too frustrated as well, but this is how we are designed and may be this is what we can call the unique trait we all carry.

The crux is “Change” is an important thing because it is a way of learning. We find a better way of doing things by trying different ways of doing things instead of doing them the same way.  The vicissitude brings a new freshness in our lives. Moreover, its the change that brings the much needed attitude change in us, it sometimes gives us a brand new way of looking at the things and as a result we develop to be a better human being. Yet we have to remember that- if you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change and if you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change too, change is inevitable, be it good or bad, but what is more important is the 'experience' that we go through with it. The experience is what actually changes us and may be that’s why I would call that as a real change, which can come to us only if we experience the change.

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.  ~Mary Engelbreit


Vibhuti Bhandarkar said...

am extremely sorry that its been a long time since I visited here. Am also very thankful that you still continued to visit my blog and appreciate my work.

Your posts are still of great philosophical excellence I see. Thats absolutely wonderful how you can write so easily on topics that have been on my mind but I could never bring myself to write on it. Change is somethng that truly never leaves our side.

And that last line was the icing on the cake Vivek
Am amazed..Write on dost!!!

jemina said...

That quote is so true, it's all back to the way we view/ see things, at the end of the day, we're the ones that have to adapt to these changes, lovely post!!! wishing you a wonderful weekend :) xoxo

Unknown said...

@Vibhuti, thanks for coming back :), I'm glad to see your comments as always. I think I really do write on topics that flutter with your mind because this is not the first time you are saying this to me :)...Anyway, its always so nice of you to put such comments...keep visiting...CHEERS!!

Unknown said...

@Jemi, you know I have this positive feeling whenever I read your comments and thats exactly the feeling I also have when I read/see stuff on your blog...People like you spread the love and the positivism, do keep visiting here..thank you :)

Unknown said...

Hi Vivek,

Once again with a very good topic "Change". Especially the last sentence is very interesting, of course change is certain, but the experience makes us change.

Good Going, Keep it Up!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

@Swarna, I'm glad that one again you found the topic very good :)...thanks for your words..Cheers :-)

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Indeed life teaches us again and again that change is the only constant thing... I love the quote by Mary E. too - so very true!

Unknown said...

@Julia, thanks for visiting here and liking the post. thanks.

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Change is a tough one and sometimes it's great and sometimes it's just horrible! Totally dependent on your mindset at that time and everything else... great post and great way of thinking about it.

Unknown said...

@Caitlin, thanks for visiting again dear. I agree with what you said.

Linda said...

Beautiful Blog! I am glad I found it!

Unknown said...

@Linda, Thank you so much :)
I hope I wont disappoint you..Take care n keep visiting!!

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