I’m not really a fashion blogger and I haven’t put my own photos on my blog ever since, but thought of experimenting a bit and putting my few “Shady” Pictures(Pictures where I’m wearing my various shades). Though, I admit, I love being fashionable and trying new stuff with my looks and I’m sure you will agree to what I’m saying after seeing all my photos below.

So, after seeing all my pictures, anyone interested in me for a Sun Glasses Modeling assignment? Lol..just kidding. People do share your thoughts about this fashion post.
P.S. I'm a firm believer of fashion, though I don't have any fashion(-able) posts on my blog, but thanks to the millions of Fashion Bloggers around the world for inspiring me to publish my very first fashion post where I have shown my love for the Sun Glasses. Some experiments are worth a try, isn't it?
P.P.S. In this post you will find the narcissism inculcated within me all these years and I do it by showing off my own pictures, but only in the true spirits of Fashion, Photography and Expression :-)
P.P.S. In this post you will find the narcissism inculcated within me all these years and I do it by showing off my own pictures, but only in the true spirits of Fashion, Photography and Expression :-)
Vivek, you're quite the fashionista, and 12 is still reasonable, I have around (more or less) 30 pairs :)), and YES, get your beautiful wife~y something from frassy :)), happy weekend my friend, Jemina
PS: would love to see more of your fashionable pictures :)))) xoxo
hey Jemi, the fashion goddess herself on my blog :-)...I'm delighted, I'm thrilled....thanks for your lovely comments, and 30 pairs:)) cooooool..Awesome.Thanks again for visiting here.
Awww haha Vivek! You look great and you definitely have quite a collection of shades there! I think it will be a welcome to you in the fashion blogging scene! Men at work needed. :)
Tamanna :), thanks a ton dear, but seriously we men are really far far behind when its about fashion bloggers on the internet. Now I have taken the baton in my hand :-). Thanks for your support ;)
nice to see a self obsessed guy..! yellow tee- cute !
shades~ zazzy..keep it up!
@Duchess, thank you for visiting here, and I'm glad your found my self obsession nice...Thanks for your lovely compliments ;-)
Very nice photos!!
@Nensa, thank you so much :)
haha, I love it! You do love your shades and you look great in them :) I think I like the first picture the most. Nice to see your face on here! Be narcissistic all you want :)
@Caitlin, thanks a ton dear :-). As you said-"be narcissistic"..lol..thanks for liking the pictures.
nice shades!
My first time here. Nice post and nice pics. And there is nothing wrong in a healthy dose of narcissicism:-)
It's good to find another male around
Great photos buddy.
hey very nice pictures! Its good to see a guy talking abt fashion in his blog
@SBG, Thanks ;)
@The Panorama, hello thank you for visiting here and thanks again for supporting my narcissistic thoughts..keep visiting here, Take care :)
@Lee Oliveira, thank you buddy for such an encouraging words, I'm glad you liked the picture..take care :)
@ash89, heylo thanks for visiting here and liking the pictures, it feels really gr8 :-)
Ha, this is so interestign how you say you haven never niticed your own love of sunglasses until you really went through a bunch of your own photos!! :) But I guess sometimes it really takes a look from the other side, so to say, to see something so seemingly obvious! I think my favorite are the ones you wear in the photos number 4, although some others look a lot like those and I am not sure if you're wearing exactly the same shades in any of the pics!
@Julia, thanks for visiting dear..its always nice to hear your thoughts :-)..once again thank you for visiting here.
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